I was sweating all over, my face felt like it couldn’t get any hotter..
But it was the middle of winter…
..and all I had done for the last half an hour was sit, locked away in a room at my parents house.
It was 2013 and a couple of months earlier I had made a decision that was either incredibly dumb or tactical genius.
I’d decided to quit my job to try and build my own health coaching business.
Looking back on it now i think it was a dumb decision.
But i wouldn’t change it for the world.
Because it forced me into confronting situations like the one I’m about to tell you about.
The story of me sitting at my desk in my parents spare room.
Why the fuck was i sweating my ass off just sitting there???
It’s a pretty funny/sad reason to be honest:
At this point I was desperate for cash…
I’d spent pretty much all the money i’d saved up once i quit my job on random shit i thought i needed to start a business
You know, like
- logos
- business cards
- websites
- a different logo
- a different website
- more business cards…
- and i can’t forget all the online courses i purchased promising to teach me “how to business”
I was broke and desperate for clients.
Just 5 new clients would be enough
But all the “client getting secrets” that everyone was telling me to do wasn’t helping…
So i came up with a new idea
1. Read this quote
Blah blah motivational quote time…
But this is the exact quote that gave me this idea.
Read it.
And let it sink in.
2. Get out your phone
I went through my phone book and found every single person that lived in my area and rang them.
I did the same with my mum’s phone (who also lived in the area), my dad’s phone, as well as my brothers phone.
3. Make a list of everyone in your area and call them
I “cold called” every single person.
I had no idea who most of these people were but introduced myself anyway
4. Ask them if they would like to join your coaching program for FREE
I explained to them that we were starting a new business and had no money for marketing (which was true)
And then went on to ask if they’d be interested in a month of free personal training.
The result was around a dozen new people joined our coaching group
5. Learn what they need help with most, help them, then launch
We coached these new clients as best as we could
And after a month, we launched a proper PAID program
The result was $5000 in the next 30 days from those clients and from referrals we had picked up during that time.
Use this strategy if you need clients fast
Get hot and sweaty
And thank me for it later…
By the way... If you want the exact phone script i used to make your offer of free coaching seem irresistible... then message me on facebook (below) and i'll send it your way. Cheer!